Looking forward to the rest of this course
Is this thread dead?? so keen for the remaining 29 days, been so swamped busy creating my discussion forum and ecomm store, with so many unknowns...
Please tell me more. I hope this still exists Jovana
The first day was great, please upload the rest?
Wonder what went wrong with this thread, would've been good to see the remainder of the posts
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"You must be the change you want to see in the world. ~ Mahatma Gandhi"
I am based in Knysna trying to do much the same. But it's a mission. We actually give sites away, threatening to broaden their horizons, transform their lives. But we never quite seem to get there. It's a bit like the story of the rainbow. There is always a distraction. So, I have only had one catch in fourteen years of fishing the net. But it's enough and we soldier on.
Comments on www.iteachknysna.com would be appreciated.
The mistake that most of us make is to expect too much, too soon. One wants to start as simply as possible. To learn how to drive. And Wordpress is the ideal tool. It doesn't matter whether you are setting up a site to profile your business or whether you intend to use it to offer an online service. It's all the same. Once you have decided on a domain name you need somewhere to host it.
And there are so many options, it is difficult to choose. But bear in mind that this is likely to be the first of many sites and you are going to make a lot of mistakes before you get it right. So my advice, while you are still learning, is to go cheap and choose a service provider that has been around for long enough to give you some assurance they won't fall over and die on you. I use shared servers, based in the States, paying anything from $7 to $10 a month for a hosting account that allows one to Add On multiple domains.
These generally come with a cpanel to manage your sites and install scripts like Wordpress. It is easy enough to do once you know how. But this is all stuff you can come back to later.
Right now you want a site to practice on. Decide on a domain name, choose a hosting service and get someone to set you up with your first site. Weebly and Wix do this for free. But it's not Wordpress and I am not sure whether you get a database with their free offering. I doubt it. Their service also comes with the constraint that you build your site using their scripts and if you want to move at any time all you take with you is your domain. So it makes sense to pay R60 to R100 a month for hosting and a couple of hundred for an installer to set it up for you.
What you get is www.iteachknysna.com without the classifieds plug-in. Yes, it is ugly. The point however, is that it works. And believe me if you are going to set up a web site, that is what you want. You want something that you can drive, something you can grow and develop. Worry about spending money on it much, much later.
You now have a domain, a hosting account and a web site. What's next?
Go to http://yourdomain.co.za/wp-admin
Copy your user name and Paste
Copy your password and Paste
Click Log In
This should get you in to the admin console/dashboard
Look for and click on Page - in the menu on the left
Select Add New
Enter a title - Test
And for text - use Test again
Click on Publish
Don't worry about breaking anything
Everything can be edited and fixed
And if that worked do the same. But create a Post this time
Once done if you look top left you will see "Your Domain" next to a Wordpress logo
Click on it
Select view site
If you get this far there are a few more buttons to push but you are mostly done. You have just created your first site, created your very own wave, you have just gone global. This to me is the beginning of everything. This is communication. The very essence of the word. You have the ability, we all have the ability of communicating with anyone or everyone, no matter who they are or where they are.
All that is required is for you to push those last few buttons and you are there.
The next thing you need to do is to start thinking Google
This is not complicated either
Google started with an idea, just like all the rest
And there is only one simple rule you need to think about
"Do no evil"
It's no more complicated than that.
Log in to your dashboard
Go to All Pages
Double click the Test page you created
Scroll down till you find All in One SEO
(if it's not there speak to your installer)
Add a key word rich Page Title tag and save
It will take Google three days to three weeks to pick it up and you are on your way
You will have to come back to add the description and key words but that doesn't really worry Google
You must also add some key word rich content on the page but once again Google's primary interest is that title tag and your back links which we will get onto later.
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