When I first moved to EL in the 70's there was nowhere that after spending the day surfing, fishing and braaing I couldn't curl up in a sleeping bag and spend the night on the beach.
I'm talking about the more remote beaches not the main beaches in town where the cops would chase you off if you tried to sleep there.

Over the years the coastal areas you could visit after hours got less and less.
Now the beaches you can visit during the day where you don't have to be hyperalert are few and far between or non existant.

In the past if you and your mates were at a more remote surfing/fishing spot, you locked your car hung the key around your neck and went for a surf, today your car will be broken into while you are in the water or on the rocks because while your back is turned someone is stealing your kit and if you happen to be alone you are a target for a mugging.