Just received this mail:

The arrangement with the wholesalers for the registration of contractors has been temporarily suspended as we are awaiting clarity from the chief inspector of the DOL.

We understand that this is an in-convenience to you and are endeavouring to rectify this as soon as possible.

For all queries contact the ECB National Office as per below:

Paul Dold on 012-751 2290
E-Mail: national1@ecbsa.co.za
Fax: 086 541 8318 for registration & general queries

Dee McDonald on 012-751 4025
E-Mail: info@ecbsa.co.za
Fax: 086 541 9596 for registration & general queries

James Baker on 082 533 0692
E-Mail: sec@ecbsa.co.za general queries

ECB Chairman,
Tony McDonald