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Thread: Feedback on tax

  1. #1
    Silver Member geraldenek's Avatar
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    Feedback on tax

    Hello everyone

    I've got a few ideas and would like to have some feedback from people in order to use these ideas.

    1. I want to know how people would feel about not meeting the tax practioner doing their tax returns (just taking about tax, not compiling financials etc.)

    2. if you feel sars e-filing is not user friendly - why so…

    Opinions would be greatly appreciated.
    Geraldene Kapp
    Professional Tax Help

  2. Thanks given for this post:

    Mike Simmonds (29-Aug-11)

  3. #2
    Email problem Mike Simmonds's Avatar
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    Geraldene, I am really keen to see the replies on this one. I have a couple of clients that I have done tax for over the last 10 years that I have never met in person. Not that I didn't want to, but gee a year flys by!

  4. Thanks given for this post:

    geraldenek (29-Aug-11)

  5. #3
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    I've never met the person who does my personal tax. We correspond by email and that's about it. And I'm quite happy with that.

    2. if you feel sars e-filing is not user friendly - why so…
    Tax codes. There are quite a few where you're not sure of the right one to use, or what the correct definition is.
    My favorite example is what values should be applied to retirement vs non-retirement funding income on the IRP5? And does it make a difference anyway?

    My other gripe is they aren't auto-generating returns anymore, which I see as regression. To be truly user-friendly, not only should they auto-generate returns (like they used to), but send reminders at suitable intervals before they are due.

    Apart from that - they're making good progress with e-filing i.m.o.

  6. Thanks given for this post:

    geraldenek (29-Aug-11)

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