Hi Guys
Hope all is well,im sitting with a bit of a problem/issue if i can call it that,i had a fall out with my dad bout 3 months back and havent spoken to him since,to make it short ,i stay in jhb and they stay in nelspruit,i started my own business in jhb cuz of the oppurtunities here aspecially for electrical,anyways,so they came to visit me with the idea to talk about them moving here and my dad helping me with setting up another team as he is also an electrician and the work is to much for me to handle with current teams,so they came here and i worked the sat and sat evening we went for my moms b-day dinner and he wanted to discuss work further and i said that i was tired from working and its my moms b-day dinner so we can discuss it the next day,he got upset and said horrible things to me same as in the past and i said im no longer standing for the way he speaks to me,then they went to my place immediately and left,there are many details that im leaving out as i dont want this thread to be 100 pages,so i have told my mother that i want nothing to do with him and he is also not welcome at my house as he also ripped my curtain off trying to open them to open the door,so the question is what should i do or say,i am also hurting and dont want to throw my family away but he makes it hard as i am still very upset,i know ppl allways say family will allways be family but its not that simple anymore,please HELP!!!!!!!!!!,im aspecially looking for reply from older generation fathers who has sons approx my age,im 25 now....tx in advance
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