View Full Version : General Chat Forum

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  1. World Cup predictions - anyone?
  2. Wish you were here.
  3. Longest thread.
  4. Manic maths.
  5. Don't make your wife mad.
  6. Digital Cameras
  7. Fashion trends
  8. Life long Software
  9. Slow server.
  10. Engineer wanted.
  11. Depresseed server.
  12. "Joining all the Police forces together"
  13. Smoking to be stubbed out.
  14. Luggage handlers bust.
  15. Night op speed trap for dragsters.
  16. The gift that every woman wants.
  17. Day from hell.
  18. Good feeling
  19. Jake White interview with Tsumi
  20. so is the pen in the mail?
  21. Why today is going to be a great day!
  22. Dealing with criticism.
  23. Misleading news headlines
  24. New Year Resolutions
  25. George Carlin's Views on Aging
  26. The fizz is back.
  27. Citizen journalism - good or bad?
  28. Watch the skies for 'spectacular' comet
  29. Naomi Campbell picked as ambassador
  30. Visitors book
  31. Dragon NaturallySpeaking
  32. Nite Nite
  33. Quizzes
  34. Some Important rugby info
  35. Aussie cricket bans Mexican wave
  36. Cheap, safe drug kills most cancers
  37. Snow in summer!
  38. For all the animal lovers
  39. List of links.
  40. Giant Durban Garage Sale
  41. South Africa......Crime etc
  42. Oh My Gosh!
  43. Tax day.
  44. Is it just me?
  45. Survivors (for those born in the '40s & '50s)
  46. How dare they!!!
  47. Thanks for the Forum Markers, Peggy.
  48. Application to be a pilot at SAA.
  49. Busy, busy.
  50. Cape Town man to try crossing busy street
  51. Book about Madonna's life
  52. Bob Woolmer has died
  53. Our Coast Line
  54. A compressed air car
  55. Nailbiter!
  56. Interesting way to pay your bills.
  57. If you have ever wondered about that acronym
  58. Directions to London
  59. Durban street name changes come under fire.
  60. Banner ideas
  61. New name for Admin?
  62. Time to get out in the sun
  63. Helen Zille - leader of the Democratic Alliance
  64. For anyone with marine aquariums.
  65. Knighting ceremony for Mbeki?
  66. The Troll Whisperer
  67. Enthusiast
  68. Removing iron from borehole water
  69. A hypothetical question
  70. Seriously now!
  71. Strike Action
  72. Just when you think you've got the world figured out...
  73. Married at last
  74. Driving in SA?
  75. Tintin in the Congo
  76. dave where are you?
  77. Resolution makes recycling easy and accessible
  78. 2008 Olympics
  79. Drunks must also be disorderly to be arrested
  80. Over 8000 cops can't drive yet
  81. Speeding Fines
  82. Interesting Senility
  83. Floor-crossing season.
  84. Rugby World Cup 2007
  85. Serious origami
  86. Beware - Spiked drinks on the increase
  87. Domestic materials for recycling
  88. Free tickets for tonights T20 game
  89. where to find out about car registration renewals?
  90. Zimbabwe - From farms to business.
  91. Unbelievable World Cup quarter-finals
  92. Shocking emails
  93. A better life - right now
  94. Where is Leanne Manas?
  95. How to greet an Englishman - Rugby style.
  96. Microwave and oven losing time
  97. Something for the day
  98. UN on climate
  99. Test your vocabulary
  100. Why do you join forums?
  101. Getting used to glasses.
  102. Alternative pool treatments
  103. Politicians can talk absolute tripe sometimes.
  104. Unemployment rate.
  105. Lady Forumites
  106. The No Impact Dear Santa letter
  107. Australian Facebookers cost employers plenty
  108. What to look forward to in 2008
  109. L Johnson on Road Safety Regulations allegations
  110. Gerrie Nel must be a very dangerous man.
  111. Logged Out
  112. Surprising stats
  113. No laughing matter
  114. Hectic start to 2008
  115. Suing the media a lucrative side line for Jacob Zuma?
  116. Bumper sticker for politicians
  117. Tiler
  118. ictel
  119. Obama or Clinton - It's still history in the making
  120. SA citizens may need a visa to visit the UK.
  121. still using film for your camera?
  122. new internet hoaxes
  123. TIPS ON PUMPING GAS (Good information)
  124. Fortified wheat and maize coming
  125. SAA on the mend?
  126. Happy end of financial year
  127. Will the virtual society of the internet replace real world interaction one day?
  128. Biofuels: driving in the wrong direction?
  129. Business Warriors forum closed?
  130. So you think petrol is expensive
  131. Could you do with another public holiday?
  132. Is there anyone else thinking its August?
  133. Online Gambling
  134. Can you see my signature?
  135. OT: Can anyone access http://www.rentacoder.com?
  136. The olympic torch
  137. Hello, I'm Back, (SA Top Sites Vs Za topsites)
  138. Hi to everyone
  139. Spot the April Fools Day stories
  140. Change in the air for Zimbabwe?
  141. 2 Questions
  142. How to format a manual for printing.
  143. Red-light Cameras Increase Crashes
  144. Bloemfontein deserves a better airport
  145. Getting Married in Just 6 Hours!
  146. Copy of article by Jani Meyer in Sunday Tribune
  147. Important news stories
  148. USA Green Card lottery
  149. 10 reasons why GM won't feed the world
  150. Breaking News
  151. Blook SA
  152. crap websites should be BANNED from the internet!!!
  153. Quotable quotes
  154. Government assistance for those in dire need
  155. New Military Forum
  156. Legislation development
  157. currently, the best looking cars on SA roads - your view?
  158. Million man march against crime
  159. East Coast Radio
  160. Ordinary person, extraordinary life
  161. Test your reaction speed
  162. YO TV - Kid's behavior
  163. Watch out!!!....warned is forearmed.!!!
  164. A SURVEY : the looks of your personal vehicle
  165. Busy day
  166. Easy way to stop smoking
  167. News articles for your blog.
  168. Having some fun on the forums
  169. Too many new vehicles
  170. Happy 90th birthday Madiba
  171. doctors bills/medical aid
  172. SA Bill of Rights and crime. Can we win?
  173. Yesterday is gone
  174. important information about cell phone contracts
  175. Trying to Find Leonora Petkovic
  176. ROAD RAGE
  177. Seminar for men - limited booking
  178. Only one medal at the Olympics
  179. Now for something completely different
  180. Ford F650
  181. It's the weekend
  182. September 2008 newsletter available now
  183. Zuma raped by Zapiro?
  184. ANCYL needs to learn about peaceful democracy
  185. Can your child be found...
  186. No charity for Durban motorists
  187. What are the practical and applicable concepts of quantum physics?
  188. Photocopier Donation
  189. hi....
  190. Lessons from Animal Farm
  191. Classifieds and Links
  192. A thought to ponder
  193. New US candidate
  194. The future of the springbok
  195. 3 talk
  196. Where to put your money.
  197. Operation Shoe Box- Capetonians
  198. Small Business for sale
  199. Holiday 4x4 Adventure 2008 - EC Offroad Adventures
  200. Newsletter content
  201. Deleted
  202. Letter to Bank Manager
  203. Formula 1 2008 - How close was that!
  204. What should be a "blue light" emergency?
  205. Comrade Bob's letter to Comrade Barack
  206. Favour please
  207. Zookamma - 04 January 2009 - EC Offroad Adventures
  208. Feel good for free! The Power of Praise!
  209. Mpumalanga Economic Development and Planning on P Dexter's leave of absence
  210. TFSA newsmaker of the year 2008
  211. Shopping tips for the festive season
  212. Life Truths
  213. When the mind & thought process cause an involuntary gesture
  214. The Power of a Forum - Electronics Guru
  215. 2009
  216. Back to work
  217. Is it my imagination .....
  218. Operation Pencil Box
  219. T'was the month after Christmas....
  220. motivation for 2009
  221. Police - How low can they go?
  222. Eco Tubing supply and alarm installation - KZN
  223. Bank Charges
  224. Trusting people to invest your money
  225. Bond Cancellation Penalty Fees
  226. I feel lucky!
  227. We are experiencing unusually high call volumes!
  228. Check if you are registered to vote
  229. Rates
  230. SAA preferred carrier to the international drug trade?
  231. Welcome to the 2009 SA Blog Awards
  232. NQF has a future!
  233. Earth hour
  234. Too busy to pay attention?
  235. Economics. Is it difficult or is it just me?
  236. Complexes and estates for 911
  237. Inspiration!!
  238. Asylum.
  239. Whos at fault with the taxi's
  240. Industrial monsters.
  241. Medieval Methodology.
  242. Have a safe Easter, everybody.
  243. Fight against spam is getting out of hand.
  244. Labour Abuse.
  245. Highway bandits in uniform
  246. Hottest new forum
  247. Charges per hour for electronics?
  248. Please Take NOTE “WARNING some may find this post disturbing”
  249. Nando's does it again!
  250. The Prison we call home.