Automated Meter Reading - WHY MONITOR?
, 05-Jan-21 at 09:04 AM (45183 Views)
The Aus-iot Monitor is an inexpensive electronic device that is easily attached to the water meter or electricity meter (NB! 2 different systems - water reading is battery powered and electricity is plugged in). This is a LoRa system requiring no additional gateways or antennas where the area is already covered by LoRa. Effectiveness is proved by various case studies and existing installations. (see case study for Western Cape)
2020-09-02 Case Study - Western Cape.pdf
Why do I need an electricity and water meter monitor?
1. Ongoing complaints about incorrect billing and disputes with municipalities. Data can be submitted as evidence in court.
2. Can be used for billing. (Property managers can do billing from the system dashboard)
3. Built in alarms for excessive usage, including leaks, bursts or tampering.
4. Reports can be generated daily, weekly or monthly.
5. Cell phone app for individual users.
6. Dashboard for property managers or Bodies Corporate displays overall view. (All units)
7. Water balancing can be done if linked to a bulk meter. (Compare bulk supply to recovery from individual units)
The system is locally manufactured and also exported to Australia where the main shareholders reside.
Enquiries: Asante Maji (Pty) Ltd is the local distributer of the product and also other water management devices such as prepaid water meters.