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  1. Constructive Dismissal

    Constructive dismissal, or what is referred to as “forced resignation,” is a somewhat misunderstood concept. Employees are of the opinion that they need merely resign in order to refer a matter of constructive dismissal. This misunderstanding in conjunction with the difficulty in meeting the evidentiary burden is a huge contributory factor in the failed cases, from an employee’s perspective.

    Constructive dismissal as grounds for dismissal finds its statutory base in section 186 (1)(f) ...
  2. Business Card Design 101

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	bunch.jpg 
Views:	16526 
Size:	56.9 KB 
ID:	1975
    As mentioned in my first blog post, Standing Out From the Crowd, Red Giant is a venture in which we aimed to be remembered. One of the primary image-related things we focused on in order to achieve that goal was great business card design.

    A full 2 weeks were spent researching, brainstorming, designing and redesigning our business cards, in order to make sure they were perfect. We wanted to receive great reactions every time we handed ...

    Updated 20-Apr-11 at 04:30 PM by Mark Atkinson

    Small Business & Entrepreneurship , Branding
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	stack.jpg 
Views:	16271 
Size:	57.1 KB 
ID:	1977   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	front_back.jpg 
Views:	16710 
Size:	67.5 KB 
ID:	1978  
  3. Logo Design 101 - Part 1 - Brainstorming

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Views: 35925
Size:  2.9 KB

    After my post regarding business card design was so well received by everybody, and after numerous questions answered and debates had with members here, I have decided to tackle logo design as my next major "post".

    Unfortunately/fortunately I have so much to talk about regarding logo design that I will be splitting it all into a mini-series consisting of 3 parts, this post being part 1. You can expect part ...
  4. Race as if your life depends on it

    So this [URL=""]sperm race[/URL] (my previous blog post) still occupies my mind ... and no, sweetie, get your mind out of the gutter!

    It's a pretty gruesome reality that, unless you win, you're gonna die! Every little okey in this race has to swim for dear life, because his existence really and literally depends on it. The winner receives the ultimate prize! And the fellow who finished a fraction of a second ...

    Updated 14-Aug-11 at 06:56 AM by mother

  5. Varsity College - Another Greedy Corporate Monster

    In South Africa, and perhaps the world, there exists a culture where large corporate beasts take complete advantage of those who feed them - their customers. These monsters lure their prey in with pseudo-promises and fancy marketing speak. Once they have devoured every last cent from him, the naive consumer is caged and sentenced to below-par service and no recourse for the length of the contract that he was silly enough to be bullied into.

    One such corporate monster is "education ...
    Tags: ethics, greed
    Misc Ramblings
  6. Do I count?

    I see that some enumerators in Durban are threatening to withhold census forms from Statistics SA as they have not yet been paid.

    Does this mean that the population of Durban will officially be 0 (zero) if the problem is not solved?
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