• About The Forum SA

    The Forum SA is primarily a South African business discussion forum and networking website, with a touch of politics and life.

    Over the years it has also developed into a valuable information resource for South African citizens from all walks of life.
    In 2010 alone, search engines sent over 228 000 visitors to The Forum SA to get the answers they were looking for.

    UPDATE: In 2011 search engines sent over 348 000 visitors.
    The Forum SA was launched in May 2006 with the primary purpose of helping South African business owners and managers understand and navigate all the red tape that has become such a big part of doing business in South Africa. The core principle was that the site would be a free platform for service minded members of the business community to develop a public information resource.

    Anyone could post a question and the most active members of the time, Dave Alcock and Duncan Drennan, would do whatever they could to find the right answers. As the site grew in popularity, more and more people got the spirit of service and started stepping forward to help in their area of expertise.

    The site has since evolved to what you see today - not only a shared information resource, but also a useful think tank on a wide variety of issues. The core focus remains business oriented, but with far more diversity. Members include business owners, employees, consumers, lawyers, administrators, regulators, trade unionists and so much more - asking questions, discussing issues, finding answers, reaching out and helping each other towards a better future for all.
    The Forum SA is still a work in progress. Where it goes from here and what it may help you achieve is up to you and me.
    Comments 15 Comments
    1. Martinco's Avatar
      Martinco -
      TFSA has been a great experience so far. As opposed to many other forums, the members of TFSA are friendly people and always willing to help when asked.
      Hardly a day goes by without me having my dose of TFSA. I think it is a great site for business people and even if business is not your thing, there are always interesting and informative threads/posts with a lot of food for thought.
      Great.........keep it up !
    1. Mark Atkinson's Avatar
      Mark Atkinson -
      As a young entrepreneur, TFSA is the go-to place for me when I'm in a spot of bother. With many knowledgeable, like-minded people on the forum, you're more than likely to find the information you're looking for - just ask!

      In my relatively short membership on TFSA, I have learned countless invaluable lessons in business and in life. I've also made new contacts and friends who unselfishly help me achieve my own success, just as I try to help them wherever possible.

      Whenever I get a spare moment, I'm on TFSA reading up on the latest events in our growing community, as well as participating in the numerous good-spirited debates that go on. Best of all? It's free!

      Keep up the good work, Dave and TFSA!
    1. wynn's Avatar
      wynn -
      As a 'solopreneur' working from home, I find a daily dose of TFSA is like going to the local coffee shop and meeting a bunch of friends who besides ribbing me also help with advice.
      The best thing here is you hear about business problems long before they become real to you such as the "CHEQUE DEPOSIT FEE"??
      you can take evasive action before the fact and not find out about it when you get your first statement.
    1. derekjay's Avatar
      derekjay -
      Agreed - Thanks Dave for keeping TFSA a great place. I don't think people realise how much actual work goes into running an online forum. Keep up the great work!
    1. IanF's Avatar
      IanF -
      Dave this forum has been great for me, and the tone you manage to keep works well. Thanks for encouraging the great advice given especially from yourself. I hope you are earning a little more than beer money from this.
    1. Butch Hannan's Avatar
      Butch Hannan -
      Hi Dave,
      This is the first forum that I have joined that I really felt welcome. There is a lot of wisdom and useful information from a lot of very good people. Living in South Africa has its frustrations and I find this forum to be a wonderful safety relief valve for me which has most probably prevented me from assaulting someone.

      There is a lot of really good and useful information from the members.
    1. desA's Avatar
      desA -
      I have found TFSA to be an invaluable resource as I made my plans to return to SA, after many years living abroad.

      In the early days of membership, TFSA allowed me to re-acclimatise to the South African mindset. A wonderful part of this process was the Friday Funnies section, which allowed me, through the medium of humour, to once again understand what makes this odd breed of characters, uniquely South African.

      Members were incredibly helpful in assisting to point me towards resources, as the various needs arose. Re-building my communication networks has been made so much easier through the many friends & colleagues who make TFSA what it is.

      In tough times, seeing how others manage their daily chaos, allows me to reset my smash-o-meter back to normal.

      The TFSA moderating team has been one of the most fair, balanced groups I have yet come across on internet fora.

      Well done to Dave & his team at TFSA. You are a real blessing.
    1. tec0's Avatar
      tec0 -
      I personally enjoy the Forum SA and it is a valuable tool, for research, information and Networking. Also it has its “informal side” that covers life’s up’s and down’s and everything in between.

      In my experience, TFSA has helped me to dodge problems and potential problems on more than one occasion.

    1. AndyD's Avatar
      AndyD -
      I've been mulling it over for a while and came up with three words;
      Informal, education and entertainment.

      Okay, four words if you count the 'and' ;-)
    1. Sparks's Avatar
      Sparks -
      As a not so young member I gladly admit that the site offers more than meets the eye at first glance. With memory not what it should be and a limited field of "expertise" I am glad to know where I can freely obtain "memory refreshment" and guidance where my knowledge is limited. What I appreciate most is that folk from all walks of life frequent the site for what could be termed basic knowledge in that specific field but, also qualified artisans who not only offer sound advice but also provoke the retiring grey matter into action once again. With legislation as it is, the more heads banging in unison the better. Thank you for a most worthy South African site.
    1. KimH's Avatar
      KimH -
      I've been a member on numerous forums over the years and I will have to echo Butch's statement that it is the first forum that I have felt truly welcome on. My heartfelt thanks to the regulars who generously share their hard earned experience, advice and occasional reality checks
      And even bigger thanks to Dave for making this the best online forum in SA.
    1. DeanF's Avatar
      DeanF -
      Hi everyone,Be sure to look out fo the LEAD SA business entrepreneurship inititive on TALK 702. There some interesting facts and advice broadcasted there.I have learnt ALOT form listening to them.
    1. DeanF's Avatar
      DeanF -
      Sorry for the spelling and punctuality.
    1. Blurock's Avatar
      Blurock -
      TFSA rocks!
    1. Citizen X's Avatar
      Citizen X -
      TFSA rocks!

      I’m confident that TFSA will go from strength to strength.
      This is my first online social network experience. I never anticipated joining any online forum. When I first joined I was made to feel truly welcome and I was given a real opportunity to conduct research and have actual interaction with my fellow South Africans. My research would have actually been impossible without the tools of TFSA. I got more than 5200 respondents, all of which came from TFSA! The level of emotional maturity and tolerance is extremely high on TFSA. I will encourage anyone to join! If you really want to give something back to your South African society then give your business knowledge, experience and education right here on TFSA. Everyone has something to offer. I think that business management students can play a big role by offering insight into the latest management academia as well as expressing your own opinion.
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    Andrew_van_Zyl Today, 09:20 AM Go to last post

    DOL registration validity.

    Tell Attorneys to not attached the DOL cert to the COC.

    If DOL certificate was valid at the time of the COC being tested then it is valid

    GCE Today, 06:26 AM Go to last post

    Unclaimed Payment Allocation

    I attended a seminar a few years ago where the presenter stated that after a certain period (I think it was a year) you have to declare the amount as

    dellatjie Yesterday, 05:11 PM Go to last post

    DOL registration validity.

    I would say that at the time you issued your COC and certified the installation.. it pertains to that specific point in time while your DOL was valid.

    Krono9 Yesterday, 04:38 PM Go to last post

    DOL registration validity.

    I have a situation.

    Issued a COC on 13th Jan 2025. I attached my DOL registration form which expires on 28 Feb 2025 to the COC.

    Derlyn Yesterday, 01:07 PM Go to last post