• Advertising policy of The Forum SA

    The Forum SA seems to have grown to the point where it needs a clear advertsing policy to avoid confusion about what is acceptable advert posting practice on the site.

    There are a few factors to consider in setting this policy.
    • The primary purpose of the site is to promote discussion and understanding of business related issues in South Afrca.
    • The costs of operating the site is financed entirely by paid advertising.
    • The site's advertising agents ensure the ads are appropriately matched to the content and/or the interests of the members and guests.
    • Regular visitors come to the site for the discussion, not the ads.
    • Due to the quality of the content, a number of other South African websites and interest groups syndicate the public RSS feed of The Forum SA.
    • There are numerous free classified advertising and directory sites to serve the "free advertsing" market if that is all that you are interested in.
    • Regular contributors to the content of the site deserve recognition and privileges for their efforts.

    To balance these interests, no member may use The Forum SA to either advertise or promote commercial endeavors, which includes direct posts, as well as active links to other sites on the Internet, except under the following conditions:

    1. You may include URLs or active links to commercial sites within posted content, reasonable in number, for the sole purpose of expanding on comments or providing additional information as part of regular forum interactions.
    2. You may include up to two URLs or active links to commercial sites within your signature, provided that it complies with the guideline on how to set up a signature for The Forum SA. (Remember it's a business card, not a full page ad).
    3. You may include information about your business with URLs and active links in an introductory post in the Meet and Great introductions forum for new members.
    4. You may occassionally post an advert in the Member Ads and marketing forum.
    5. You may include information about your business with URLs and active links in your member profile.

    Affiliate links
    No new or ordinary member may post an affiliate link, a link to framed content for the purpose of facilitating an affiliate program, or links that are redirects to content that incorporates an affiliate program without the prior permission of the site administrator. Members that have achieved TFSA Local status do not require prior permission to post affiliate links.

    TFSA Local benefits
    Once a member has achieved TFSA Local status, they will be able to set up their own blog in the Blogs section and their blogs may include advertorial content and associated links in the body and widgets of the blog.

    Silver Club benefits
    There is an additional free banner marketing opportunity provided to Silver Club members. Details of this program are available in the Silver Club forum.

    To do: post article on status progression at TFSA.
    Comments 18 Comments
    1. Dave A's Avatar
      Dave A -
      *This first comment reserved by author for update notices.*

      Updated 28 Jan 2011: Added TFSA Local and Silver Club marketing benefits.
    1. wynn's Avatar
      wynn -
      Give a more stringent emphasis on the fact that a new member will have to make a few posts or become a 'local' before he can add a signature or links to affilite or multilevel sites!

      'local' sounds like you won't let me surf at your break??
    1. Dave A's Avatar
      Dave A -
      I'll do a seperate article on the ranking system down the line. (Gee, I must have surfing on the brain right now )
      Quote Originally Posted by wynn View Post
      'local' sounds like you won't let me surf at your break??
      My thought was to rebrand "Full Access" to "TFSA Local" - but if that doesn't seem right, I'm open to suggestions.
    1. wynn's Avatar
      wynn -
      No it's great, I like it, but a lot of non surfer dudes need to know the context like 'Locals only'
    1. watermetersupplier's Avatar
      watermetersupplier -
      hi Dave A and Wynn, this is jason from Shanghai,China. Nice to meet you two here.
    1. Proffessor's Avatar
      Proffessor -
      Personally I like the "TFSA Local" banner. It gives the site a different feel. Keep up the good work!
    1. krishna54321's Avatar
      krishna54321 -
      Hi its great
    1. Wiz's Avatar
      Wiz -
      Dave its a creative branding and awesome feel. "TFSA Local" seems perfect to me.
      Hopefully will reach there within a year with useful posts. ( Have started a business for South African companies. )
    1. SEOWolf's Avatar
      SEOWolf -
      Good Day Dave.

      I want to publish a lot of info on this Forum, it is all business related, there will be more than enough to go around.
      Will it be fine ? It is for businesses in South Africa. Back links will be involved.

      I am asking if not I will move on to the next Forum.
      Kind Regards
    1. Dave A's Avatar
      Dave A -
      Quote Originally Posted by SEOWolf View Post
      I want to publish a lot of info on this Forum, it is all business related, there will be more than enough to go around.
      Will it be fine ? It is for businesses in South Africa. Back links will be involved.
      Without seeing what you have in mind, it's tough to say if we're of similar mind
      My normal suggestion is post the first few in members only content for feedback from the community. All being well, I'll move them into the public area later and we'll all know where we stand, hopefully without shedding any tears.

      Quote Originally Posted by SEOWolf View Post
      I am asking if not I will move on to the next Forum.
      Participation has, is, and always will be entirely voluntary. And there is no pledge of allegiance required either.
      Rest assured you may come and go as you please.
    1. riba elec's Avatar
      riba elec -
      Hi Dave

      Am new in the forum I would like to see myself benefiting full as a member and contribute were necessary
    1. munnah's Avatar
      munnah -
      Quote Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
      *This first comment reserved by author for update notices.*

      Updated 28 Jan 2011: Added TFSA Local and Silver Club marketing benefits.
      Hello Dave ,I am new member in this online business. I am looking for assistance on how I can get free classified advertising and get permission for affiliate links
    1. Dave A's Avatar
      Dave A -
      For free classified advertising, I suggest go to free classified advertising websites like Gumtree. If you're only here to post free ads, TFSA is probably the wrong website for you to be hanging around.
    1. Mr Robart's Avatar
      Mr Robart -
      Hi Dave, Thank you for free classified websites. I like it. It will help to me for my business. Good luck to you.
    1. Girlfromthesouth's Avatar
      Girlfromthesouth -
      noted, thank you so much
    1. Mampho's Avatar
      Mampho -
      Hi Dave

      I would like to advertise surgical masks as I would like a clientel of buyers bulk and individual
      Please advise

    1. Dave A's Avatar
      Dave A -
      Quote Originally Posted by Mampho View Post
      Hi Dave

      I would like to advertise surgical masks as I would like a clientel of buyers bulk and individual
      Please advise

      Please read https://www.theforumsa.co.za/article...rtising-policy
      It has stood the test of time.

      For paid advertising - it is all delegated to Google Ads. Some ad spots are targetable. This keeps processing and management of advertising simple.
    1. Reportedcalls's Avatar
      Reportedcalls -
      No it's great I like it but a lot of non surfer dudes need to know the context like 'Locals only
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