• A Guide to Forum Etiquette

    Any group develops its own characteristics, habits and personalities. If you are new to using forums, the following guide is aimed to help you feel at home as quickly as possible. It is a guide, not a set of rules and is based on the experience of those who have gone before you. Yes, even the most experienced folk were also new to this once upon a time.

    You're welcome - but please don't litter.
    To all new members. A truly heartfelt welcome.

    Please feel free to make a post telling us who you are, what you do, and maybe include a subtle advert.
    But please - pick one section, and make one post. Maybe try the "meet and greet" forum for your first post. The same post or series of posts with a similar theme plastered all over the forum to make sure we "find it" doesn't impress.

    We love meeting and supporting fellow business folk here. We're not into saturation advertising.

    Be gentle on New Members.
    Before pouncing on a post that seems off somehow - take a look at the experience of whoever posted it (total posts).

    Posting in a forum can feel like public speaking - and we know that public speaking is a major fear for most people. Let's help each other through it.

    In particular, it is common courtesy not to heckle a "maiden speech".

    As for the observers out there, don't hesitate to get off the bench and make yourself heard. It's a good time to overcome that fear of public speaking in an understanding environment.

    Argument vs Debate
    A forum is a very powerful tool for exploring issues.

    Life can be messy. Sometimes there just isn't an obvious right answer. However, at these times, there is probably no better place than a forum to gain perspective. It is a fast, effective way to get a range of different opinions.

    It can also get really uncomfortable when healthy debate descends into an argument.

    It would be easy to say "Don't get emotional" and "Think it through". But sometimes the very best posts are spontaneous and emotional.

    The trick here is to look for warning signs that you could be getting argumentative:
    • You are looking to "win" the point
    • You attack the writer at a personal level
    • You strongly criticise the writer's point of view
    • You post in the thread more than once or twice a day.

    You are most at risk when you are too close to the subject matter. The best trick is to focus on giving your perspective and respect the right of others to hold a different view. If you find yourself being drawn into an argument, put off making a post in that thread until the next day. Amazing things can happen in 24 hours.

    Happily, if you really need to blow off steam, it seems some attacks are actually welcome. Politicians, government departments, banks, Telkom, Microsoft etc seem to be fair game.

    Use an appropriate title.
    When starting a new thread, try to use a title that clearly indicates the subject matter. When scanning through a forum, or when trying to find a particular thread, imagine if they were all titled "Help".

    After a while a forum is a wealth of information. Sometimes your topic might have been covered before. Probably the best first step is to use the search function near the top of the screen. Just a warning, the search is a bit limited. Try to use one or two key words both longer than three letters. No matches - then fire away without hesitation.

    There are no "stupid" questions.
    This one probably stops many folk from raising issues.

    Got to be honest. The only stupid questions I've ever seen on a forum have been my own. Maybe we all just feel that way.

    There is definitely one thing sillier than asking a "stupid" question - not seeking out the answer!

    Are you giving appropriate info?
    Hopefully you will pay some attention to setting up your user profile. Of course, you can give as much or as little detail as you're comfortable with. However, appropriate background information helps you get the right answers faster.

    For example, if you are looking for someone local to install an air conditioner, it will help to tell us where you are. Many of us are small business owners, not nationwide corporations (well, not yet anyway).

    If you are discussing the contents of a website, give the web address. OK. I'm sure you've got the idea by now.

    Selecting a category.
    First try to find a related category. If you can't find one, then use General.

    It might be tempting to just post under General, but this can be a busy forum and your thread will slide down the page fast. Also, selecting an appropriate forum makes it easier to find a thread later on.

    Keeping a thread on track.
    Given that this is a forum and lots of people have the opportunity to contribute on any given matter, a thread (or discussion) tends to have a life of its own. These twists and turns can be quite exciting and sometimes produces unexpected results.

    The first post in a thread really forms the theme of the thread. When posting a reply, try to keep in mind what the theme of the thread (that first post) was about.

    The occasional aside is OK, but a good point unrelated to the main topic of the thread deserves to be started as a new thread.

    Be thankful.
    This is common sense but something even the best of us forget. If your question has been answered, thank those that helped supply the answer. When logged in you will find a Thank You button at the bottom of each post that makes showing your appreciation quick and easy. Use it - it encourages people to help.

    If you asked a question and found the answer elsewhere please be so kind as to supply the answer. Others might be searching the forum for an answer to a similar question. If an issue has been resolved, let the rest of the community know what happened.

    Close a post and don't leave it hanging.

    Learning how to use the bells and whistles.
    Just a quick note on the mechanics of using some of the bells and whistles:

    Take a look around the FAQ link in the tool bar at the top of the page.
    Also (depending on your browser) hovering over an icon tends to tell you what it is for. Hover is to place your pointer over the icon without clicking.

    If you still find something that you need explained - put a post in the "Administrative issues" forum.

    Private messages.
    Private messaging is a good means of communicating information that isn't for general consumption. It could be an apology, a personal question, a little note of support or thanks.

    If there is no need to reply to a private message, it is good practice to click the "Message read" button (if there is one). It saves the sender worrying whether you got the message.

    It's a good idea to check for private messages (near the top right hand corner of the screen) whenever you visit.

    Commercial posting
    No-one visits a forum to ask a question, only to be told "My business does that - contact me to set up an appointment so that I can sell you something." People come to forums for information and discussion. If you happen to be in the required line of business, a helpful and informative answer is far more likely to attract any business that might be had than some sales pitch.

    Probably the only time you can run an "advert" is with an introductory post in the "Meet & Greet" forum. And even then, please resist the temptation to turn it into a sales pitch. Rather tell a bit about yourself and mention what business you are in. If people are curious or need more information, they will ask. Engage us in conversation and you will get better results.

    Another perfectly acceptable option is to have a signature with a little information about your business. This option only becomes available after some participation on this forum. You will know when this becomes available when you see the badge "Full Access" next to your posts. By then you should have an idea as to what would be a good signature here without turning the forum into a bazaar.

    So what are you waiting for?
    Perhaps this might seem a little intimidating. I promise it's not the idea. The goal is to make your experience here a pleasant one and we are all looking forward to meeting you in the forum. So why not introduce yourself with a first post in the Meet & Greet section right now.

    Who knows where it might lead one day, but I'm really looking forward to us finding out together.
    Comments 47 Comments
    1. Martinco's Avatar
      Martinco -
      Very good to be reminded again. I have seen some posts on particularly a forum that is dedicated to Linux where people are calling each other names ( stupid ) and being quite rude. This is totally uncalled for.
    1. suetax's Avatar
      suetax -
      Thanks for the guidaance! This is my first forum and I hope to gain alot from it.
    1. NAN's Avatar
      NAN -
      I agree with suetax! Thaks for the guidance! this is also my first forum! I hope to learn alot, and maybe help someone if I can!
    1. Dheepak's Avatar
      Dheepak -
      thanks for the advise, after reading this, if i had started a thread which was not meant to be a thread, how do i delete it.
    1. rfnel's Avatar
      rfnel -
      After reading the guide to forum etiquette, I feel obliged to share a link to one of my (other) favorite websites. The Art of Manliness recently featured an article on the subject of civility in online environments.

      I believe that it makes a nice addendum to TFSA's etiquette guide.

    1. AndyD's Avatar
      AndyD -
      Quote Originally Posted by Dheepak View Post
      thanks for the advise, after reading this, if i had started a thread which was not meant to be a thread, how do i delete it.
      You can't delete threads but you have a certain time in which you can edit them. If you made a thread and it had some replies before you decided to make major edits to it then that would be considered bad manners. If you really want to delete a thread you would need to contact a moderator or Admin by PM and ask them to do it.
    1. Paul Hanly's Avatar
      Paul Hanly -
      Thanks for setting the ground rules. Only waay to keep it tidy
    1. Citizen X's Avatar
      Citizen X -
      Thanks, I should have read this first!!!!!
    1. Goodfirm's Avatar
      Goodfirm -

      how do I put my own pic?
    1. AndyD's Avatar
      AndyD -
      Quote Originally Posted by Goodfirm View Post

      how do I put my own pic?
      Do you want to attach a picture to a post or are you trying to add an avatar or signature image?

      You might find the assistance you're looking for here. If not you can post again and explain more about the problem you're having.

      PS Welcome to the forum Goodfirm
    1. Goodfirm's Avatar
      Goodfirm -
      Its OK, I found it!
    1. Jeane's Avatar
      Jeane -
      Thanks for the guidelines - im rather hopeless with new technology and the forum is new to me
    1. Alexion's Avatar
      Alexion -
      Great! I have thoroughly read the guidelines and ettiquettes and do anticipate that the forum would be of great benefit.
    1. Penny's Avatar
      Penny -
      Thanks for the welcome and guidlines. I have never joined one of these before so it is good to know the ettiquette.
    1. nb122814's Avatar
      nb122814 -
      Hi Guys,am new and would like to meet people who has started a new business.
    1. AndyD's Avatar
      AndyD -
      Maybe start by making a new thread here and introducing yourself.
    1. Vusie's Avatar
      Vusie -
      Thank you, I needed that.
    1. mhf's Avatar
      mhf -
      Hi Dave,

      Im new to this forum, i wanted to find out if its possible to advertise the mlm business that I am involved in.

    1. Dave A's Avatar
      Dave A -
      Adverts belong in the Member Ads Forum.
      MLM belongs in the MLM forum and I strongly suggest you read this before posting there.
      In general, advertising posts are subject to the TFSA Advertising Policy.
    1. Blurock's Avatar
      Blurock -
      I also suggest a good introduction before one starts advertising. People want to know who they are dealing with as there are many fly by nights around.
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