i applied for a pre paid meters for a couple of projects i am busy with...when i attempted to hand the form in i was told that i had to have a copy of the owners ID and to fill in the pink copy.

the second time i attempted to hand in the pink forms for a different project i was told to fill in the blue form...so i took the forms filled them in and returned on my return i was told the pink was incorrect and had to fill in a blue form...so i did and handed them in without a copy of the owners ID...
i got a call to tell a week later to tell me i had filled in the incorrect forms and had to return again to fill out the correct forms with a copy of the owners ID.

i wish these people could make up their minds...or have a website with step by step instruction for idiots like myself who dont know what i am doing.

i think we are in an electronic era where things can be done via the internet...documents filled in and emailed...so we can save our enviroment...ooooh shucks i forgot we live in a third world country...we still make fires in huts