This excerpt leaves my mind with a lot to mull over.

Governments love growth because it excuses them from dealing with inequality. As Henry Wallich, a former governor of the United States Federal Reserve, once pointed out in defending the current economic model: “Growth is a substitute for equality of income. So long as there is growth there is hope, and that makes large income differentials tolerable.” Growth is a political sedative, snuffing out protest, permitting governments to avoid confrontation with the rich and preventing the construction of a just and sustainable economy. Growth has permitted the social stratification that even the Daily Mail now laments.

Read the full article on M&G Online
What would happen in South Africa if there was not the dangling carrot that growth provides?

How do we balance creating equal opportunities, growth, and environmental conciousness?

Who are the people that suffer the most for growth? What would we have to give up to relieve their suffering?