Is it appropriate to ask for advice on personal/provisional tax on this forum?

As a salaried employee for many years, I have always done my own tax, there is not much one can do to avoid paying tax on salary.

Nearing retirement with Capital Gains on investments, and rental income, my tax situation is getting more complex.

I still do my own tax returns, eFiling makes it very easy, but I am becoming aware that I may need to run it past an expert.

Would appreciate input on whether one could ask questions here.

For instance:

Best way to manage tax free lump sum withdrawal?
With a pension and RA, which one should be drawn down first?
Any tips on how to manage tax on rental income (apart from claiming all the obvious expenses)?
Are there any good books that can be purchased?

The above are very general questions, I could get a lot more specific, just thought I would first find out if there are any tax experts out there in TFSA world