I am an IT specialist. I was approached by a large (very large) South African owned international IT company to make myself available for 12 months on a R300 Million government project. I was asked to cancel all other business engagements and commit myself to this one project, full time.

I agreed, and I did as was asked in that I made myself available full time and handed over all my other clients and potential clients to another company.
I have been on the project for 3 months, been getting paid regularly, but I have not yet received a contract. I was told that the contract was being drawn up. I have recently been insisting on a contract and in a meeting this afternoon, I was given notice of termination. (One calendar months notice, terminating end of July). The reason given was that since I was taking instruction from the client, the big IT company believes the client should pay me.

I have all agreements of a promise of a contract and all negotiations in writing. There is a lot of underhandedness on this project and I think one of the other vendors have put pressure on the big IT company to get rid of me.

Any advice?