Dear readers,

My group and I are from the Netherlands and for our university we are planning a cross-media campaign.
In line with our research, we are looking for parents who could help us out by filling in this questionnaire:

You could copy and post it here with your answers, or e-mail to

We would be ever grateful if you could help us out!


What is the age of your kid(s)?

Are you (and your partner) employed?
A) One employed
B) Both employed
C) I am a single parent

When you give your children fast food, what is the most important reason for this? (e.a. time, money, because the children want it, other?)
a) Time
B) Money
C) Other ……

If your child would ask for any product because they’ve been influenced by a product’s promotion (e.a. a toy), would you buy it for them?
a) Yes
b) No

If the school of your children would offer parents to take a membership on a healthy lunch, to be eaten at school, would you be interested?
a) Yes
b) No

If you decide what your children eat, what do you think is a viable healthy option for them to eat: (name one meal, for example breakfast: bread with cheese and some fruit)

If you want to buy something that is healthy in the supermarket, at what do you pay attention? (Rate 0-10)
- It’s an A-brand:
- It’s all natural:
- Low on sugar:
- Low on fat:
- No artificial flavoring:
- other:............

Is it important to you what kind of food friends or relatives buy for their children? Do you see them as an example?
A) Yes
B) No

Do you think supermarkets offer a big enough variety of healthy food?

A) Yes
B) No

Do you think you buy good or healthy food for your children?

Not good enough 1 2 3 4 5Very good

How much time do you spend on average on weekdays to prepare your child’s
Breakfast: ……. min
Lunch: ……. min
Dinner: ……. min

Please rank the following aspects in order of importance when choosing lunch/breakfast, rate 1 - 10. (10 being very important)

- Price - ………………….
- Brand reputation - ………………….
- Ingredients - ………………….
- Packaging - ………………….
- Brand promotions - ………………….
- Your kids opinion - ………………….

Kind regards from the Netherlands!!!