It is not so difficult to peek through the diplomatic cloak. I look for the “factual interactions” between states, to provide me with information to ascertain Real foreign policy posture. By “factual interactions” I mean stuff like business deals, trade relations, who are in dept to whom and so on.

Another way is to look at how geo political enemies use their propaganda. E.g. CNN and RTT. The two channels are polar opposites. Each takes shots at the other while pushing their own agendas. Between the two bull shitters lies the half truth. You will see the mistakes of the West on RTT and their successes on CNN. You will see Russia's successes on RTT and their failures on CNN.

The ubiquitous diplomatic blanket is accepted as normal. People seem to be very comfortable consuming edited vetted bullshit info from main stream media without considering the reality. People then absorb this “information” and make important business decisions partly based on their world view that is, at the very least, inaccurate

The truth is always complex and nuanced, but it is often the simple truths that are the most significant