I need some information please:
My vehicle broke down and was towed in to the company who replaced most of the engine in June, at a cost of R28 000.00. I saw it as a warranty repair, and the vehicle was towed in to the said workshop, two weeks ago.

At NO stage was I ever informed that this was NOT going to be repaired under a warranty claim. I called the Owner of the workshop daily for updates. At NO stage whatsoever was I ever informed that the vehicle is being repaired AT MY OWN COST. At NO stage did I receive any quotation, estimate, or information that an estimate will be done once the engine has been opened. I NEVER signed any CPA forms, or gave any written consent at all; I never even telephonically or verbally consented to repairs being done. (I record important phone conversations).

On Monday, I was informed that they are putting oil in the vehicle and will test it on that day, and that I can then come and fetch it as soon as I have paid the bill. I was blown away, and enquired as to when I actually gave permission for repairs not under warranty, and in fact... where was the quote?!!! I then received the quote, with Monday's date on it - for R 12 000.00.

I have lodged a formal complaint with their Head Office, who referred me to the MIO for arbitration, as the franchise is independantly owned.

The owner, a woman, went into a screaming fit yet again, on the phone today, becoming very abusive, and screaming that 'that f'in vehicle will not go anywhere until it is paid in full'. (Recorded).

They are refusing to hand over my vehicle.

Surely this is a clear case of violation of my rights under the CPA, and I have the law on my side to fetch my vehicle - the workshop must then decide if they want to proceed with legal action towards recovering 'their money' (Sarcasm is mine)???