
So after a lot of sweat and frustration, I have completed the EMP501 on Easyfile and submitted it to SARS (I hope!). I am not sure whether this is the final step or whether there are more steps... (ie. should I not have used the reconciliation assistant somewhere?).

Here is what I have checked:

1) When I go to "Declaration" in Easyfile and I select 201108 for this employer, I get the following submission status:

This Employer already has a submission pending with SARS for the tax year selected.
You will only be able to submit again, once the status of that submission is either
You can check the status in the STATUS DASHBOARD in the Utilities

2) When I go to the "Status Dashboard" under "Utilities" in Easyfile, I get the following when I double click on the entity:

Certificate Status

Form Type - EMP501

3) When I check on e-filing under "PAYE Maintenance", "Reconciliation Status" I get the following:

EMP501 Reconciliation - Validation Passed Your Reconciliation has been received. Please note that it typically takes 21 days to process the reconciliation where after you should receive correspondence from SARS. If your reconciliation balanced, you may proceed to issue IRP5/IT3(a) certificates to your employees
Oct 30 2011

EMP601 Your request could not be processed at this time. Your request could not be processed at this time, please try again in 24 hours or contact the Call Centre.

EMP701 Your request could not be processed at this time. Your request could not be processed at this time, please try again in 24 hours or contact the Call Centre.

IRP/IT3a Reconciliation - Validation Passed Your Reconciliation has been received. Please note that it typically takes 21 days to process the reconciliation where after you should receive correspondence from SARS. If your reconciliation balanced, you may proceed to issue IRP5/IT3(a) certificates to your employees
Oct 30 2011

4) When I go to "Dashboard" under "PAYE Maintenance" in e-filing, I get the following:

9999 : SARS does not have record of a processed EMP501 return with certificates for the selected Employer [xxxxxxxxxx] for the [201108] period. Please ensure you have completed your PAYE recon declaration by submitting an EMP501 return together with copies of your income tax certificates. After your EMP501 return has been processed you will be able to proceed to the next step of the Recon Assistant.

The information under 4) makes me think there are more steps to complete (and that I should use the Recon Assistant somewhere)?

(I have not felt this frustrated with a process in quite a while, as it feels like I don't really know what I should be doing ...Aaarrrrrggghhhh - There, now I feel better!)

Can someone please tell me whether I am done with the process or whether there are still other steps to complete?

Please help me.

Thank you very much.