I have an actual scenario and would like a public opinion. It revolves around sense of humuor. humuor is subjective and what one person believes to be funny, another is offended. By the same token, something funny today may offend me tomorrow.
i will list a few scenarios and would liek to know if any offend you.
You are a gambler in the casino, you have not lost or won money and are not inebriated. You are thus a reasonable person.

You ask why the machine is not accepting your money - the attendant replies "perhaps the ink is still wet"
You ask which machine is paying the best - the attendant replies "the ATM"
You ask for a light - the attendant points you to a light on the ceiling
You hand the attendant a R20 and ask the attendant to break it for you - the attendant tears the note in half and offers both back
You ask for a hand - teh attendant starts applauding.

Would any of these, in most circumstances and on most occassions, offend you?